As a member of the health care profession, you should consider the potential impact that an impaired professional could have on patient safety.
If you suspect that a colleague is impaired or could be impaired by reason of alcohol or controlled substances, you should report your concerns to your supervisor or employer or contact the Board's investigation department. Contact information is noted below.
You should also be aware that the Louisiana Heath Care Professional Reporting Act (La. R.S. 37:1745.14) requires a health care entity (i.e., a hospital, institution or clinic licensed by DHH, health care facilities maintained by a university or medical school, or any heath care training program in which trainees are required to hold a license, permit, or other authority from a board to participate in training) to submit a written report to the appropriate professional licensing board within 72 hours of each instance in which it: (1) takes adverse action against a health care professional due to impairment or possible impairment; or (2) accepts the surrender of clinical privileges, the resignation of employment or a contractual relationship, or the withdrawal from participation in a health care training program of or by a health care professional: (a) while the health care professional is under investigation by the entity for impairment or possible impairment; or (b) in return for not conducting an investigation. By reporting your concerns you may assist your employer meet its reporting obligations under the law.
Again, if you suspect that a colleague is impaired or could be impaired you are encouraged to report to your employer or the Board's investigation department.
Contact information. The Board's investigations department may be reached by email at:, by fax at: (504) 324-0994; or by writing to: "Investigation Department" LSBME, 630 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA 70130.