Welcome to the website of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners

The mission of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners is to protect and improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Louisiana through licensing, regulation, research, and discipline of physicians and allied health professionals in a manner that protects the rights and privileges of the licensees.

*Due to heightened security protocols, to transmit electronic files to LSBME, email the files directly to the recipient. If the files are larger than 10mb, you will need to drop them in one of the LSBME CloudShare Dropboxes. Click Contact Us for the departmental Dropbox locations. Please notify the department once files have been dropped.
*LSBME will NOT click on links sent via email to retrieve files.

TEMPORARY PERMITS: The LSBME will no longer issue temporary permits for Genetic Counselors, Licensed Respiratory Therapists or Physician Assistants.

IMPORTANT: See LSBME's Statement of Position regarding Public Immunizations HERE.

Bridge Year Physician and Bridge Year Physician Preceptor online applications are now available.
Click HERE to register in the LaMED DashBoard and apply.

Notice Regarding Medical Marijuana Recommendations via Telemedicine:
The Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners will take no enforcement action against a licensee who, prior to an update of this notice, recommends medical marijuana without an initial in-person visit.

Clarification and  further deliberations are in process.

Notice:  In compliance with La. R.S. 44:33.1, please know that information and/or documents submitted to the LSBME may become public record pursuant to the provisions of Louisiana Public Records Law, La. R.S. 44:1 et seq.

*To all Military Members, Defense Dept Personnel and their spouses/dependentsTo alleviate barriers to licensure, our licensure applications incorporate an option for an expedited permit! Click on LaMED DashBoard below to get started.

LaMED DashBoard - LaMED Dashboard is an online portal used to RENEW your current license, begin a NEW APPLICATION, update your contact information, and view/print payment receipts and/or wallet cards. You must register in LaMED DashBoard. You will need a valid email address that you have immediate access to in order to complete registration.